
The Prohibition of Testimonials in Advertising

Defining Testimonials and Clinical Aspects

Social Media and Advertising

Patient Reviews: What's Allowed?

Advertiser's Responsibilities
Healthcare providers, as advertisers, must ensure their advertising content, including content on their websites and social media pages, complies with the National Law. This includes having control over the content and being able to modify or remove non-compliant material. Engaging with reviews on third-party websites is not allowed, as this could be construed as using a testimonial to advertise a regulated health service.

Navigating Reviews and Compliance
- Review Advertising Content: Regularly review all advertising content, including material on websites and social media you control, to ensure compliance with National Law.
- Differentiate Between Testimonials and Feedback : Understand the difference between prohibited testimonials (related to clinical aspects) and permissible patient feedback (related to non-clinical aspects like customer service).
- Disable Review Functions if Necessary: On social media or other platforms used for advertising, disable functions that allow testimonials, or comply with AHPRA guidelines by not interacting with the customer reviews.
- Educate Staff and Marketing Teams: Ensure that everyone involved in creating or managing advertising content understands the regulations and the importance of compliance.
- Monitor Third-Party Sites : Keep an eye on third-party sites that might feature your services, ensuring that any content over which you have control or influence is in line with AHPRA guidelines.
- Avoid Using Testimonials : Do not use testimonials or purported testimonials in any form of advertising, including stories, patient experiences, or success stories that involve clinical aspects.
- Steer Clear of Misleading Content: Do not edit patient reviews to remove negative content or to present a misleadingly positive impression of the service.
- Resist Selective Publishing: Avoid selectively publishing only positive reviews, as this can create a biased and potentially misleading picture of your services.
- Do Not Ignore Non-Compliant Content: Do not ignore non-compliant content on your advertising platforms. Take immediate action to remove or modify it to ensure compliance.
- Avoid Engaging Directly with Reviews: Do NOT engage with reviews on third-party sites, as this could be seen as using a testimonial in advertising, which is against the guidelines.
In conclusion, navigating the regulations surrounding patient reviews and testimonials is crucial for regulated Australian healthcare providers.
By understanding and adhering to the AHPRA guidelines, healthcare professionals can ensure their advertising practices are ethical, legal, and focused on delivering the best possible care to their patients.
For additional information, we recommend you refer directly to the AHPRA guidelines on their website: https://www.ahpra.gov.au/Resources/Advertising-hub/Resources-for-advertisers/Testimonial-tool.aspx
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