When you started your practice or clinic you knew that your intention was to try to help as many people as possible. While you know how to do that, the steps that come before it may be a little outside your wheelhouse. Email marketing for your healthcare practice may be something you’re unfamiliar with, but it doesn’t have to be daunting— and it could be much more manageable than you may think.
This article explains what email nurturing is, what it entails, and why it’s beneficial for your healthcare practice or clinic. For personalised advice, contact our team at practiceedge today.

What Is Email Nurturing?
Email marketing can come in many forms such as welcome emails, newsletters, and dedicated emails. Email nurturing is a marketing campaign composed of a series of emails that guide, or nurture, your lead through the process of purchasing your product or service.
The Top 5 Tips For Your Email Nurturing Campaign
Nurture email marketing shares content that is useful and worthwhile to people whose interests and behaviours align with a business. In your case, this is people looking for a reputable and welcoming healthcare practice or clinic. The aim of this campaign is to begin as a ‘soft sell’ and work your potential patients through the thought process of ‘maybe I’ll consider this practice’ to ‘I’m ready to contact this clinic and make an appointment’.
1. Automation
You have enough on your plate as it is, so why not take advantage of automation? We all use automation in one way or another in our daily lives, and email automation is just one of the ways it helps to make everything more simple.
Automation tools allow you to get the most out of your email marketing campaigns as no lead will go un-nurtured. You can use automation to trigger a certain response when your potential patient takes a certain action, such as clicking a link or watching a video. Then, they will receive a thoughtful email that is customised to their experience.

2. Personalisation
You can expand on this customisation by personalising the automated emails. Making sure the emails each person receives are aligned with their interests is a great way to add value by showing that you’re listening to their specific concerns. For example, you may want to send people who search for physiotherapy an email outlining its benefits and where you offer this service.
3. Draw Them In
The subject of your email sets the scene for what your potential patient is about to read, so make it stand out! Making your subject catchy and relevant to their interests can be make or break when it comes to how much of the email they read. Succinctly tell the reader what your email entails, and if your practice has a unique edge of any kind, find a way to work that in if you can.
4. Tell Your Story
Consistency is everything, and it helps to build familiarity. When your potential patients become acquainted with your brand story, they’re more likely to consider you as their first-choice healthcare practice. You can’t underestimate the power of brand loyalty when it comes to email nurturing
5. Save Time With Templates
Email marketing can be time-consuming, so saving time wherever you can is vital. With a preset email template for each type of campaign, you can create and distribute your nurturing emails quickly and efficiently. Make sure you keep the goal at the front of your mind each time so you don’t lose sight of what you want your potential patient to do next.
The Benefits Of Email Nurturing
Email nurturing can offer you:
- Simplification of your sales process by specifically targeting potential patients with interest in your clinic
- Industry credibility by displaying your aptitude and offering free value
- The ability to maintain awareness through regular, non-’spam’ emails
- Opportunities for cross-selling and up-selling
Contact practiceedge For All Your Email Marketing Needs
If you don’t have the time or inclination to handle email marketing such as email nurturing on your own, that’s completely understandable! At practiceedge we can take the reins of this particular aspect of your healthcare practice and let you handle what’s most important to you— helping others with their health and wellbeing. To find out how we can assist you with email marketing and nurturing and help you grow your clinic, book your call with our knowledgeable team at practiceedge today.
Related Link: Tips To Stop Spam Clogging Your Inbox